The penis enlargement gel is easy to use - just apply it to the penis 1-2 times a day. You can use AlfaGen before having sex to prolong it.
The Maxi Size user guide describes how to use the product:
Apply the gel with soft but confident movements by gently massaging the penis. The duration of the application is one month, it can be extended as needed. We have the best prices in the Czech Republic.
The composition is natural, does not contain hormones, chemicals or other harmful substances. The use of the gel is simple and safe, it does not cause allergies or side effects. Restrictions (contraindications) apply to minors, recovery periods after heart attack, stroke, sexually transmitted diseases, and local damage to the epidermis.
The product is effective in cases of poor erection, premature ejaculation and inadequate penis size. It is advisable to perform an individual intolerance test first.